3 rue du Montparnasse - Paris - France
3 rue du Montparnasse - Paris - France
• We help interpreters get started in their career and make themselves known to recruiters (presentation of the interpreter on the institutional and private markets, proofreading of resumes, request for listening in a silent booth if necessary, advice on accounting matters, etc.).
• We continue to monitor them throughout their career (request for documents, replacement in case of emergency, help with invoicing, etc.).
• We centralize official documents (identity cards, passport, passport photos, resume) in order to be able to send them to recruiters as quickly as possible.
• We are available at any time to discuss their career plans with them.
• Each interpreter has his or her own smartphone-compatible computer schedule that can be consulted at all times.
• All offers of work that are very precise (subject, timings, location, rates, documents) are made through the schedule (except for emergencies where the telephone is preferred). This avoids disturbing the interpreter during an assignment and allows the interpreter's schedule to be updated in real time.
• We prefer to maintain contact with our interpreters. Interpreters do not need to enter their dates themselves, we do it for them. This way, we have a better visibility of each interpreter's schedule.
• The computerized schedule allows us to send availability lists according to the requested combination. The recruiters do not have access to the detailed information of the interpreters but know if they are free, booked contractually or as an option.
• Recruiters from institutions can find out the availability of interpreters either through us or through the schedule directly.
Private market recruiters do not have this option. We send them lists or suggest one or more interpreters who would be able to accept the proposed assignment.
• We do everything in transparency with the interpreter. Once availabilities are known, recruiters go through us to give an option or a firm offer to the interpreter concerned. We never accept an offer that is not suitable for the interpreter requested.
Thanks to our permanent link with the interpreters, we are able to know their fields of specialization, their preferences and affinities.