3 rue du Montparnasse - Paris - France

Bureau de Coordination des Interprètes de Conférence

A large pool of professional interpreters since 1981

About BCIC

BCIC was the first interpreter agency created in France in 1981. For more than 40 years, we have been supporting interpreters in their careers as soon as they graduate from French institutes (ESIT and ISIT) or foreign schools (UNIGE, ITIRI, ISTI...).

Maika de Riocour

Managing Director

Victoria Pandrea


BCIC has been in existence for over 40 years and is a leading provider of professional interpreters and translators both in France and abroad. 

Furthermore, with time and experience, we have developed a network of interpreters abroad who we can bring to France to work face-to-face or who can work remotely from their homes.